Friday, January 8, 2010


I do let a lot of time pass by before I post. Lot's going on. Brooke got moved in and enrolled in school here. We got her a computer so now I let her have the internet most of the time. I bought 2 different wireless hook ups but I lost one of the adpters and it will not work with just any one. I am having problems with them, but I know that if I take the time to do it, I can get it done.
New years resolutions:
1: Worked on a budget today to follow.
2: Weight loss, working on that with Maker's Diet.
3: Get healthy, going to Dr. appointments, gave up caffeine for that too.
4: Get my life organized, always in the middle of that
5: Get my HST ink out there more.
6: Working on my scrapbooks by printing out photos, not just leave them in computer
7: Take more photos
8: Get to church more often ( should have been #1 on here ) .
9: Study photography more
10: Try to post more often on here.

Well that is my list, I think I can handle it.
Oh and it snowed here Thursday, Brooke was tickled as all the little kiddies ( no school ). I got out in the yard and took some photos.

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